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The Morris Agency only uses Proactive accounting

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Tel: 020 3051 2462

35 Green Dragon Yard
London, E1 5NJ

Tel 020 3051 2462
Fax 020 3031 1085

office AT proactive2009 DOT com

The Morris Agency only use Paul Brannigan from, why? ……….

Proactive looks after small business owners spanning London and the South East. We are strictly a business to business service and our team of accountants and book keepers likes to focus on getting things done. We handle year end accounts, tax returns and VAT returns quickly and cleanly, and with a minimum of fuss.

That saves you time and keeps your costs down. You can concentrate more on your business and keep more of your hard earned cash.

We are a modern practice and we specialise in providers of intellectual services, people like I.T. experts, medical practitioners and university academics. Our internal business systems have gone paperless, and that makes it easier for us to handle both paper based and paperless work loads.

We ran a traditional paper based system from our foundation in 1997 right up to 2007. And we went paperless on 1 January 2008. We can handle almost anything you give us (on paper or electronically) and we expect to be running our hybrid processes for several years to come.

Rest assured, we believe in giving all our clients an equally fast and courteous service.

Is your accountant Proactive?

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